This event was recorded and is offered for on-demand viewing online. If you are seeking CLE/CME credit for the viewing of this event, please email BEFORE registering to confirm the event has been approved for CLE credit in your state. Watching the recording may not result in CLE credit due to various states' guidelines, so please ensure your state is listed below or you discuss with the AAM Office prior to registering.
If you registered for, and attended the live program on April 26-27, 2024 in Arlington, TX, you will receive an email on how to gain access to view the videos at no additional cost.
Click here to view Available Sessions for On-Demand Viewing (Program Agenda)
Click here to view Speakers Bios
Technical Details:
You will receive a confirmation email upon completing registration and paying registration fees.
The videos for recorded sessions will be available to view as individual videos on the Association of Attorney-Mediators Course Library Page or "Program Hub". Your registration confirmation email will include a link and details on how to access the videos. You will need to create an account in the course library/program hub to gain access to the videos.
Handouts/materials will be included as a download link in the email as well as posted in the course library next to the videos.
Instructions on how to access and view the video will also be included in this email.
Please note that each video contains an on-screen pop up verification code that must be reported for attendance purposes. Please keep an eye out and write down the code while viewing the video.
After viewing the videos, you will need to complete an online record of attendance form, called a "CLE Verification" form in the course library. This will generate a certificate of attendance for your files, for AAM Office recordkeeping and form CLE/CME reporting purposes. More details will be included in the registration confirmation email.
If you have any questions, please email Allison at
MCLE Credit for Online Viewing:
Please see MCLE notes below to ensure MCLE approvals before you register. If your state is not listed, please email the AAM Office BEFORE you register as some states may not allow online viewing for CLE credit. We will be happy to submit an application for MCLE approval in states not listed below.
MCLE Application Status:
THANK YOU to our 2025 Annual Meeting Sponsors!
NADN is a sponsor of the Friday Evening Dinner Event ADR Support is a sponsor of the Thursday Evening Welcome Reception
Association of Attorney-Mediators P. O. Box 741955, Dallas, TX 75374-1955 Toll-free: 800-280-1368 Fax:
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