We hope you can join us on November 4, 2022 for our Advanced Attorney-Mediator Training and CLE Seminar.
“Learning from the Past, Focusing on the Future”
Friday, November 4, 2022 • Held Virtually by Zoom
Program begins at 8:45am CT
(9:45am ET / 8:45am CT / 6:45am PT)
Join us this fall for our Advanced Attorney-Mediator Training as we explore a variety of mediation topics that will inspire you to learn from the past while focusing on the future of your mediation practice. This program is sure to add to your toolbox as experienced mediators share their knowledge about both general mediation skills as well as subject-specific topics. We will explore best-practices in the virtual mediation world that many of us are now navigating while also discussing how to bring the best versions of ourselves to each mediation. Sessions will also cover relevant updates in discrimination cases as well as important considerations in workers’ compensation and personal injury cases. The final session will be an interactive panel discussion about applying ethical standards in mediation. We hope you will join us online for a full day of learning!
Please click here to view the full program agenda and click here to view the speakers bios.
Session 1: How a 34 year 70-year-old mediator embraced virtual mediation and began to rethink everything he thought he knew about mediation. Session 2: Implicit bias in mediation: A panel discussion. Session 3: Developments in Mediating Harassment and Gender Discrimination Cases Optional Lunchtime Session (No CLE Offered): Mediating For Good Session 4: The Lasso Effect: Channeling Your Inner Coach in Mediation Session 5: What You NEED to Know About Medicare, Medicaid, MAP, Part D Liens, and Double Damages Liability to Protect You and Your Client Session 6: Mediators in Negotiation: Applying Ethical Rules in Dealmaking
Session 1: How a 34 year 70-year-old mediator embraced virtual mediation and began to rethink everything he thought he knew about mediation.
Session 2: Implicit bias in mediation: A panel discussion.
Session 3: Developments in Mediating Harassment and Gender Discrimination Cases
Optional Lunchtime Session (No CLE Offered): Mediating For Good
Session 4: The Lasso Effect: Channeling Your Inner Coach in Mediation
Session 5: What You NEED to Know About Medicare, Medicaid, MAP, Part D Liens, and Double Damages Liability to Protect You and Your Client
Session 6: Mediators in Negotiation: Applying Ethical Rules in Dealmaking
Registration Fees
Early Bird Rate (Registrations on or before October 28th): AAM Member registration fee is $75 and Non-Member fee is $125
Regular Rate (Registrations on or after October 29th): AAM Member registration fee is $95 and Non-Member fee is $145
Please note that $50.00 of the non-member registration fee (the difference between member and non-member registration fees) can be applied toward AAM’s $275.00 annual membership dues if you decide to join within one year of the training. Membership includes a group mediator/arbitrator professional liability insurance policy.
**Registration closes at 11:59pm CT on 11/3/2022 No same-day registrations will be allowed. This is a change from our past in-person conferences, so please register in advance!**
MCLE Credit:
MCLE approvals will be published on the website (below) as they are received. CME credits will be applied for in the states that require CME.
AAM will be pleased to facilitate obtaining MCLE credit in other states. Please contact us as soon as possible (1-800-280-1368) or aam@attorney-mediators.org if you would like our assistance in this regard.
MCLE Application Status:
Alabama: Approved for 6.5 total CLE credits, including 3.0 ethics (Class ID 281966)
Alaska: Applied and pending
Arkansas CLE: Approved for 3.5 general hours and 3.0 ethics hours (ADR86863)
Arkansas CME: Approved for 6.5 hours (CME-2022-436)
Arizona: The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement. This activity may qualify for up to 6.5 hours toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona.
California: Applied and pending
Colorado: Approved for 7.0 general credits (819527)
Connecticut: This program is acceptable for 390 minutes of Connecticut MCLE
Delaware: Approved for 6.50 credit(s), including 3.00 Enhanced Ethics credits (AAM11042022ADVAN)
Florida CLE: Approved for 8.0 general credits, including 1.5 ethics and 2.5 bias elimination (2208220N)
Florida CME: This course is eligible for up to 6.5 CME hours. Mediators are required to self-report those hours applicable to their areas of certification at the time of their renewal. For more information on the CME requirement, visit, www.flcourts.org, and select “Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation.”
Georgia: Approved for 6.5 total CLE hours, including 3.0 ethics hours (Course ID 322595)
Illinois: Approved for 6.5 CLE hours; PR credit request pending
Indiana: Approved for 4.5 general CLE credits, including 3.0 ethics, and 2.0 NLS credits. CME approved for 5.5 credits. (Course 308884)
Kansas CLE: Approved for 7.5 hours (Activity 195442)
Kansas CDRE: Approved for 7.8 hours, including 1.0 ethics hour.
Kentucky: Approved for 6.5 credits, including 1.25 ethics (Activity No 246235)
Louisiana: Approved for 6.5 total hours of credit, including 1.25 ethics and 1.75 professionalism (5419221104)
Mississippi: Applied and pending
Missouri: Approved for 7.8 total hours, including 3.6 ethics hours and 1.5 elimination of bias hours (Course ID 706299).
New Jersey: Approved for 7.8 total credits, including 5.1 ethics & professionalism credits and 1.5 diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias credits (Course 2, Sponsor 3099)
New Mexico: Approved for 3.5 general credits and 3.0 ethics credits (218043_09040)
North Carolina: Applied and pending
Ohio: Applied and pending
Oklahoma: Approved for 8.0 hours, including 2.0 ethics (129184)
Oregon: Applied and pending
Pennsylvania: Approved for 6.5 hours, including 3.0 ethics.
South Carolina: Approved for 6.5 credits, including 2.5 ethics (921530ADO)
Texas: Approved for 6.5 hours, including 3.0 ethics (174171921)
Tennessee CME: Approved for 2.5 general continuing education, 1.0 mediation ethics and 3.0 general mediation issues.
Tennessee CLE: Approved for 3.0 general hours and 3.5 dual hours (Course ID 308057).
Washington: Applied and pending
Wisconsin: Approved for 7.5 CLE hours, including 3.0 EPR.
In order to comply with state CLE/CME requirements, attendance will be tracked based on webinar attendance timestamps and a record of attendance form. Interactivity methods such as polling, Q&A, verification codes and surveys will be implemented to ensure audience engagement and to comply with live online CLE/CME course requirements. A Record of Attendance form must be completed by each attendee wishing to receive CLE/CME credit. A link to the Record of Attendance form will be sent via email to each attendee.
Technical Details:
In order to access the webinar, you will need to download the Zoom application on your computer or device. New to Zoom? Click here for a handy one-pager on how to download the Zoom application.
Please be sure and update your previously installed Zoom application prior to November 4, 2022 to ensure that you are able to join the seminar on time and without any technical difficulties.
We are in the process of developing a PDF packet of materials that will be available to all attendees and sent via email prior to the event. Please keep an eye out for an email in your inbox from the AAM Office.
If you do not receive an email by November 3rd with the handout packet, please be sure and check your spam folder/junk mail. In the past, some of the event emails sent from the AAM Office have been held in recipient's spam folders and have not made it into the recipient's inbox. Please email the AAM Office if you do not receive the email communication about the event. Thank you!
You will receive a confirmation email upon completing registration, and you will receive a secondary follow-up email during the week of October 31, 2022 with all pertinent information for log-in and handouts. The informational email will be resent the evening of Thursday, November 3rd and early Friday morning before the start of the meeting to ensure the information is at the top of your inbox.
THANK YOU to our 2025 Annual Meeting Sponsors!
NADN is a sponsor of the Friday Evening Dinner Event ADR Support is a sponsor of the Thursday Evening Welcome Reception
Association of Attorney-Mediators P. O. Box 741955, Dallas, TX 75374-1955 Toll-free: 800-280-1368 Fax: 972-669-8180aam@attorney-mediators.org
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